Monday, October 19, 2009

It's Monday.

Reading through the last few blogs, I realize that I have begun all of them with "So,". It's been quite a while since I've written regularly, and I have to laugh at the little things that remind me of that. When did I start writing my thoughts down with "So,"? My skills are clearly slipping.

I am pleased with the start up of The Gathering. I think we have a lot of little things to adjust, but it's neat to be a part of that energy!! Of course, I'm probably a little biased, but listening to my boys (Ian and the Dillons included) make music is just something that brings me joy. The band did sound good, I think. I loved the exchange of ideas, and I'm looking forward to the time when more are comfortable with discussion.

There is a lot of talk about the budget, especially at the state level. I think we find out this week how it will affect our jobs (DHS). I'm not worried about losing my job, I love it, but I'm not that attached I guess. Part of me still desires to be home more and to be able to focus on ministry primarily. Part of me is concerned about the effect all of this downsizing will have and the amount of work that will be required of those who don't get laid off.

Sadly, we are going to see many, many families devastated by lost jobs, hiring freezes and such. In the last few generations, we have become more and more dependent on our government to take care of those less fortunate than ourselves, which seems to have left the church more inward focused than previously in history. Our government is becoming bankrupt - there is less and less money available to help people. The time for the church to start looking outward and past their own comfort zone has come, I believe.

What a time for the church to shine! The church - the community of believers - is going to be given a beautiful opportunity to worship God in a different way! As acts of worship to our glorious God, we will be able to meet the needs of those around us. What would happen if each member of God's church became convinced of their purpose to care for those around them? We wouldn't need goverment food assistance or universal health care. We wouldn't need parenting classes and child care assistance. Each of us would be about the business of caring for and loving our neighbors.

Big thoughts for a Monday morning, I suppose.

Lord, open my eyes to your calling. Help me to arrange my money and my time to be able to do the work you have called me to do.

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