Monday, December 20, 2010

Crafting is just about the best thing ever. At least today.

Crafting on a Weekend

One of the things that I was reminded of when I was recuperating from surgery last summer was that in the recent past, I have neglected my creative side. It's easy to do, really. By the time a mom chases after her family and puts in a full day of work, it's easy to get bogged down. I realized that I need those creative outlets, or I get kind of dry on the inside, so I made a resolution to make sure I spend time on the weekends creating. You've seen some of the ideas I've had with my house. (and no, I'm not done) But I thought I would share what I did this weekend.

Project #1

I saw some Coffee Cozies (or sleeves) when I was using, so I decided to try my hand at it. You probably can't tell by the photo, but this little sleeve has the most adorable pleats ever. Just sayin. Here it is dressing up a disposable cup. I need to tweak the pattern just a bit, but I like my first one. Too bad I don't generally drink coffee out of disposable cups. :-) It's supposed to save the planet or something by re-using these sleeves instead of using the disposable cardboard sleeves from the stores. Personally I think you should bring your own cup, if you're worried about the environment, but that's another discussion.

Project #2

My husband gifted me with an early Christmas present last week: a Cricut Expression. I have been having a blast getting to know my way around the thing. I put it to good use with this project! I cut out letters, and circles of cute paper and then "Mod Podged" the paper to the wooden disks. I think the finished project turned out really cute!

Project #3

It was only a matter of minutes after making these alphabet disks that I realized if I was going to gift them, I should really make a bag to put them in to. So, looking through my piles of fabric, I found cute little girls stuff. I wish my sewing machine would have worked well...sometimes it decides to get fussy...Fussy machine and all, I think this turned out okay. 

Too bad Christmas is this week. I'm in the mood to get more stuff done! (And Darin, the vacuum cleaner cover is a moot point.)

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